Fast forward to this morning. My twitter feed these days is mostly running-related people or businesses. I had a link to watch the live feed, and as soon as I got to my desk - even though it was after the elite start, I put my headphones in and put it on. I listened as the elite women battled out over the last 10 miles - in less than an hour BTW! - and watched Jeptoo cruise to her second Boston win. I was overwhelmed hearing of her 2006 win and then taking time off for "maternity leave" before coming back to win this year. In her interview she talked about considering running for a win last year and knowing she wasn't ready. She was so excited to have won the day! And the USA's own Shalane Flanagan and Kara Goucher crossing the line and their concern for each other showed the spirit of the running community. I watched the men finish and the battle between the top three men to cross the line. I was energized watching these elite runners effortlessly cruise at a "slow" pace of 5:00-6:00 mm through the course and finish looking like they could run another 10 miles! I got choked up at the finish for their accomplishment. And then I made myself turn it off because I knew I needed to focus on work.
At 3:00pm I was on a conference call. My caller ID beeped in and it was my BRF Jason. I ignored his call, but sent him a quick text about being on the call. What he said in his reply baffled me: Boston marathon bomb. At first I thought it was using the term figuratively - like a "twitterbomb" or "photobomb". But then he sent me a screen shot of the front page of CNN. And a colleague I was on the phone with sent me a text - "WTF?! News is coming in of bombs going off at the Boston marathon finish line." I immediately lost interest in my conference call and started scanning Facebook and twitter and checking CNN. I had friends in Boston - one of our own #CorralG members was close to the finish watching the race. I had twitter friends that I had never met, but was cheering for, including someone from Richmond, that we running Boston. I knew the sacrifices they had made for their training and the excitement they had to conquer the day. My heart broke. I finished my call and began sobbing in my car. To hear stories of lives lost, runners and spectators who had lost limbs, and people who had trained so hard to finish this storied race, only to be stopped at 21 miles because of terrorism. Yes, I'm using that word. This was an attack on our community. I am not a Boston athlete this year, and might never actually BQ, but these are my people. I've spent the last almost 6 hours watching the news, reading my twitter feed and Facebook, trying to make sense of what happened. There is no sense in this. The story has been release that one of the people who died today was an 8-year-old child. Unacceptable. I cannot even imagine what people are experiencing in the wake of this tragedy!
It appears that those that I "know" are safe. But we know from the news that there are those that are not safe. Those that experienced tragedy we will hopefully never know personally. My heart breaks for those that lost loved ones, for those who experienced their final race at Boston because of injury, and for the friends and family of those that were effected. This community is strong and resilient - that's what makes us runners to begin with. We will always be runners. Tomorrow I will wear my favorite running shirt to remember - but the next day I will run. And I will keep running - for Boston.
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