04 July 2013

ENERGYbits Review

Forgot to take a photo
before I started taking
my bits - almost done
So, a few weeks ago I was grateful enough to receive a FREE sample of ENERGYbits through my awesome friend (and ENERGYbits Ambassador) Linzie Starr and the graciousness of the company.  I've been holding on to them waiting for a race and today was the prime opportunity.  Today was my 3rd annual running of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution Peachree Road Race - an Atlanta tradition since 1970.

This is just depressing
I woke up this morning after a pretty crappy nights sleep - here's my Fitbit Flex report from last night.  3:30 sleep.  I've always heard that it's not so much how you sleep the night before a race, but the night before the night before.  Well, I don't have that one to post, but they've been looking pretty awful the last few weeks.  I've been thinking about using the bits to just get me through the day, but since it was only a sample, I didn't want to use them up too soon ;)

I was up before 6:00, and as I was going through my morning routine, I counted out 30 bits, and popped them 2x2 with water.  I also grabbed a coffee from Starbucks (skinny vanilla latte), but that was all I had before the race.  I meet up with my super awesome running friends - Marcia and Jill - to head over to the race.  (I will do a full race recap in another post, including the debacle about meeting up and leaving a car at one location...)

#CorralGRunsAtlanta -
Marcia, Jill, & Me
I was wide awake before I met them around 6:40, and ready to face the day.  We headed off to MARTA (the local public transit in Atlanta) and made our way (slowly) to the start line.  I continued to have great energy as we got started - which is atypical for me since I am NOT a morning person!  We made our way through 6.2 miles of soggy weather with 60,000 of our closest friends and crossed the finish.

It was not a PR, but I never felt sluggish.  I will say around mile 5 I started to a little stomach discomfort and started drinking more water, but once we cross the finish and I got some more food in my stomach, I felt fine.  I cannot be 100% sure this is related to the ENERGYbits, but it was something I wondered about when my stomach started hurting.  I had used ENERGYbits once before on this training run, and didn't have an issue with stomach problems then, so it could have just been the fettucini alfredo from dinner last night!

It's now 3:30, and I am still feeling pretty good, considering the lack of sleep, transport to and from the race, as well as the race itself.  Over the last couple of weeks, I've been wanting a nap around 1 pm, so being #poweredbybits is definitely helping!  I think I've got another serving left in my tin, so I'm hoping to use them for my next long bike ride - which I was hoping was going to be this weekend, but only if the rain heads out before I do!

Thanks so much to ENERGYbits for sharing the love and letting me be #poweredbybits today!

Disclaimer: I received a FREE sample of ENERGYbits, but the opinions are all my own.  For more information about spirulina algae and ENERGYbits, visit their website: http://www.energybits.com.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I still need to try and review my bits! Now planning on for my long run tomorrow.