Tuesday, January 28:
Atlanta had a FREAK snow storm, that started around 11am. I have been so lazy with not having a job, that I didn't manage to get up early enough to get in a run before it started. And there was no going out in it. I did manage a walk with my sister to find her boyfriend, who had abandoned his car and was walking home, but nothing more.
Wednesday, January 29:
Things were a little better today, but not good enough to run outside. The gym was closed, so I opted for the next best thing - riding on the trainer. I am having trouble getting my TomTom Multi Sport cadence sensor to work, so I just did 30 minutes easy (~72rpm) with a great new app called BitGym. This cool app has a variety of tours that you can play on your iPad so it looks like you're actually outside working out. I highly recommend checking it out, even after just one workout!
Thursday, January 30:
I wanted so bad to get up and go for a run this morning. However, last night I got a call that I would be starting work today, which put a damper on my plans. I set the alarm and had every intention of going, but it was only 10 degrees when I got up at 8:30. I'm just not prepared for that, and also wasn't sure the sidewalks would be clear. I was about to head off to the gym when I got some exciting news from a friend, and then missed my window of opportunity to go before work. And then I worked a 10 hour shift. So while I hit 10,000 steps for the day, I did not actually "work out." This #snowpocalypse is really cutting into my training schedule!
Friday, January 31:
Finally got out for a run! I missed my speed work and midweek mile runs, but decided to stay "on plan" with a 5 mile run today. My sister has Fridays off and suggested I run over to her house, which is a new route for me. It turned out being a little short - only 4.25 miles - but it was more hilly than my usual route. So I called it a "hill workout" and made it a day.
Saturday, February 1:
Headed out to Stone Mountain for an 18 mile run with Jason. Got
there and realized I'd forgotten to charge my watch, so just used RunKeeper.
18 miles in 3:44.52. Average pace: 12:20mm
Breakfast: 30 ENERGYbits, sourdough english muffin with natural peanut
butter. McDonald's medium coffee with 4 cream and 1 Splenda (we didn't have
coffee at home)
On run nutrition: 2 clif bloks at mile 5; 2 clif bloks
at mile 8; 1/2 a coconut chocolate chip clif bar at mile 10; 10 ENERGYbits
at mile 12; water and Cherry Limeade Nuun throughout.
Post run nutrition: Vanillia Lean Shake made with water; 1/2 a
coconut chocolate chip clif bar; 2 clif bloks. Also made a
shake once I got home: chocolate peanut butter Lean Shake, 1 banana, 1
C coconut milk, 1 TBSP natural peanut butter.
Was short on time, so did a shortened yoga and foam rolling
routine before heading to work for a 5.5 hour shift. No icing/compression
except I wore my Adidas compression socks under my jeans to work.
Took a true rest day - including a two hour nap!
Monday, February 3:
After work, went out for my Yasso 800s. My watch only works in either miles or kilometers, not both, so since I wasn't at the track I got a little confused with the conversion math. Did a shortened warm up/cool down, with 6x800 speed, and 4oo recovery in between. Avg pace (in mph - from RunKeeper): 9:50. Also got to take my Handana out for a spin - check out the blog next week for a full review!
Also went to Big Peach group run tonight, since they had Hoka in to let us test drive the new models - very nice ~5K spin in those!
Did a full foam rolling and yoga session after I got home.
This week I want to highlight my training partner, ENERGYbits. Back in the fall, I was honored to join the #poweredbybits team. My good friend Linzie introduced me to this amazing product and I've been so grateful for the recommendation.
So what exactly are ENERGYbits? ENERGYbits are 100% spirulina algae, with the highest concentration of protein in the world (64% protein). They help satisfy cravings and give you a constant stream of energy, instead of a quick spike followed by the epic crash. They are easy to take; in fact the new campaign is #itsOKtoswallow! Every morning, I take 20 bits to start my day, popping 4 at a time with a swig of water. On mornings when I'm heading out for a run before breakfast, I up this number to 30 bits. I can head out for 5-7 miles with just bits in my system, and feel like I've got plenty of energy.
The other great benefits of being #poweredbybits is the amount of nutritional value in a serving. One serving meets most of your daily nutritional requirements for vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, all with only ONE calorie per tab! That's 20-30 calories to meet your nutritional quotient for the day! It's great knowing I'm getting the nutrients that I need to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle from a whole food source. And meeting these healthy guidelines means strengthening my defense against disease and illness. I managed to stay well over the Thanksgiving holidays, while running in sub-freezing temps on one day, and heading to muggy, warm Florida the next, and I attribute this to my bits. I did, unfortunately, get sick in January, but I know that my bits kept me healthier and able to come back strong. I only wish I'd had some RECOVERYbits to help get over that cold faster!
The ENERGYbits company has four different products, with a different balance of algae in each product. ENERGYbits and SKINNYbits both have 100% spirulina algae. RECOVERYbits are 100% chlorella algae to help build your immune system. VITALITYbits are a 50/50 mix of these two algaes.
And, from now until February 18, 2014 when anyone orders a bag of RECOVERYbits you also get a complimentary GIFT WITH PURCHASE! Your gift comes in an attractive black organza bag that contains a full tin of RECOVERYbits, a single sample serving of RECOVERYbits, a cool pair of ENERGYbits sunglasses, an ENERGYbits pen and some fun stickers. This $35 retail value is yours absolutely FREE with the purchase of at least one bag of RECOVERYbits. And if you use my code "PREACH" you can get 30% off your order.
But of course, I want to share the love with one of my readers. Below is a Rafflecopter for a free tin of ENERGYbits. The giveaway will close at 11:59PM on Sunday, February 9, and the winner will be announced on next week's Training Tuesday post.
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