So, I've seen a few Liebster posts going around, and while no one has nominated me, I thought I might answer a few of the questions I've seen to help you learn a little more about me... and encourage you to share some about yourselves!
1. Why did you begin running?
I started running at the end of 2010, after I had knee surgery for a "torn meniscus" that wasn't actually torn (or had healed by the time they cut me open). The first thing my PT said to me in that first appointment after surgery (yes, we didn't do PT before surgery... that's another story for another day) was "no running." And it was ON! I got the itch at that very moment and made her clear me for running before I was released from pt. Three months later I ran my first 5K, then on to a 10K that summer, and my first half in October, and the rest (as they say) is history!
2. What's your #1 bucket list race?
To earn a spot at Boston. Having run it through the magical experience of Twitter this year was amazing, but I want to earn that spot, and I'm still working on that goal of qualifying by my 40th birthday.
3. How many races are on your 2014 calendar - which is the one you are most looking forward to?
Current calendar (already registered) includes: BAA 10K in June, Peachtree Road Race (10K) in July, and Space Coast Half Marathon in November.
Considering adding the Anderson Half Ironman Tri in October, a full marathon with my BRF to help him train for Goofy, and a fun girls' weekend getaway.
I'm most looking forward to any chance I get to connect with all my fun running buds!
4. What are your fitness goals for the next 12 months and how will you achieve them?
At the Chicago Marathon expo, I did a body composition analysis. According to that, I need to convert some serious fat to muscle, so that is my big plan. I've started doing Barre3 workouts (as you know), but need to get more dedicated to doing it. The biggest piece of the puzzle is really eating healthy on a more regular basis.
5. When is your favorite time to workout?
Whenever I can get it in, but I prefer not early morning.
6. What fitness gadget is on your wish list?
(as much as I hate the treadmill, I think I would make an exception in this case!)
7. List your top 3 running songs
Are You Gonna Be My Girl -Jet
Catch My Breath -Kelly Clarkson
Take Back the Night -JT
8. What is your greatest accomplishment to date?
Definitely has to be running the Boston Marathon - which is my current marathon distance PR!
So, what do you think? Answer your favorite questions in the comments - and feel free to ask me something else!
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